SIAM Student Chapter Delft

Delft University of Technology

Latest news

New Board for 2022-2023

posted 15 Jun 2023

New Board 2020-2021

posted 15 Jan 2021

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: Good Will Hunting (1997)

posted 12 Jan 2021

Martin won Online Chess Tournament 2020

posted 10 Dec 2020

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: The Imitation Game (2014) --- A movie about Alan Turing

posted 30 Oct 2020

Workshop day

In this century, data science and machine learning form a part and parcel of every engineering sector. To discover their role and get introduced to cutting edge research about machine laerning and data science we at SIAM student chapter of TU Delft is organizing the workshop day event on 22-November-2021. In this workshop day event, distuinguished speakers from TU Delft and companies will elaborate on their research work. The program of the event is,

09h30 - 09h40 : Introduction by SIAM student chapter
09h40 - 10h40 : Machine learning advances for CSM by Dr.Miguel Bessa
10h40 - 10h45 : Break
10h45 - 11h45 : Julia programming workshop by Sebastiano Grazzi
11h45 - 12h45 : Lunch
12h45 - 13h45 : Application of ML & CFD - Flow in an ICE by Jousef Murad
13h45 - 13h50 : Break
13h50 - 14h50 : Bayesian learning by Bierkens
14h50 - 15h00 : Closure by Vuik

Are you interested to enroll for this exciting and informative event ? Please sign up in the Googleform.

Looking forward to seeing you all.