SIAM Student Chapter Delft

Delft University of Technology

Latest news

New Board for 2022-2023

posted 15 Jun 2023

New Board 2020-2021

posted 15 Jan 2021

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: Good Will Hunting (1997)

posted 12 Jan 2021

Martin won Online Chess Tournament 2020

posted 10 Dec 2020

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: The Imitation Game (2014) --- A movie about Alan Turing

posted 30 Oct 2020


Qiyao Peng



Hi, my name is Qiyao, and everyone calls me Alice here. I am a third year PhD in Numerical Analysis group, under the supervision of Fred Vermolen and promotor Kees Vuik. My research is about burn injuries and wound healing, and we want to improve the model such that it can be used as a tool to estimate the probablity that the patients may develop complications after a severe injury. In my spare time, I like cooking, playing the badminton and travelling if my wallet permits.

Prajakta Nakate

Vice President and Secretary

Hi All, My Name is Prajakta Nakate. I am Ph.D. student at numerical analysis group. My Ph.D. project is in collaboration with a company named Aluchemie that has anode baking furnaces in Rotterdam. I am working on the mathematical model of the anode baking furnace to reduce NOx emissions. Apart from work, I like to cook, travel with friends, go for hiking, workout in the gym, do yoga (not really great at it yet though)

Linlin Bu


Hi, my name is Linlin Bu. I am a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Kees Oosterlee. I am interested in numerical analysis of PDE, especially fractional differential equations. In daily life, I like music, cooking and reading.

Roel Tielen

BaNaNa officer

Hi all! My name is Roel and I organize the so-called BaNaNa talks (link naar website). I am a third year PhD student at the Numerical Analysis department. My research is in the field of Isogeometric Analysis and particle methods (i.e. MPM). This research is preformed together with my promotor Prof. Kees Vuik and supervisor Matthias Moller. Apart from cycling on my racing bike and playing tennis, I am a proud member of our department football team, the Krylov Tigers.