Delft University of Technology
New Board for 2022-2023
posted 15 Jun 2023
New Board 2020-2021
posted 15 Jan 2021
M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: Good Will Hunting (1997)
posted 12 Jan 2021
Martin won Online Chess Tournament 2020
posted 10 Dec 2020
M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: The Imitation Game (2014) --- A movie about Alan Turing
posted 30 Oct 2020
On February 2nd, the SIAM Student Chapter at TU Delft organized a one-day workshop on Krylov subspace methods. During the day, twelve PhD students in numerical linear algebra gave an overview of their current work and its relation to Krylov subspaces. The participants came from different universities of The Netherlands and other European countries, among which representatives of the SIAM Student Chapters in Magdeburg, Manchester, and Prague.
Although Krylov methods are usually associated with the iterative solution of large-scale linear systems, the workshop showed a huge variety of fields where Krylov subspaces are currently applied. The topics of the workshop covered (generalized) eigenvalue problems, matrix condition number estimation as well as the approximation of matrix functions and applications in seismic wave propagation and flow control.
As a main speaker, Peter Sonneveld from TU Delft gave a historical talk about the development of the IDR(s) method which is a short-recurrence Krylov method for the efficient iterative solution of linear systems with general system matrix.
More information and an overview of the talks can be found here.