SIAM Student Chapter Delft

Delft University of Technology

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New Board for 2022-2023

posted 15 Jun 2023

New Board 2020-2021

posted 15 Jan 2021

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: Good Will Hunting (1997)

posted 12 Jan 2021

Martin won Online Chess Tournament 2020

posted 10 Dec 2020

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: The Imitation Game (2014) --- A movie about Alan Turing

posted 30 Oct 2020

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Today, the movie we want to recommend is 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).

This movie was released in 1968 and turns out to be way ahead of time. The movie is based on the science fiction novel written by Arthur C. Clarke and is directed by Mr. Stanley Kubrick.

HAL 9000, a supercomputer on a spacecraft heading to Jupiter is in charge of most operations, which leads to terrifying events when it glitches and decides to destroy the world. As HAL kills off the crew one by one, we are reminded of the dangers of letting AI take control of our world and be mindful of the consequences. With the exponential growth in the development of AI, it is interesting to see the thoughts around AI that were established in 1960s.

“Let the Awe and Mystery of a Journey Unlike Any Other Begin”.

We hope you enjoy the movie. Please reach out to us if you come across movies/books that are related to science that you would like to recommend to your colleagues.

Any movie you want to share with us or haven’t joined us yet? Send us an email now: