SIAM Student Chapter Delft

Delft University of Technology

Latest news

New Board for 2022-2023

posted 15 Jun 2023

New Board 2020-2021

posted 15 Jan 2021

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: Good Will Hunting (1997)

posted 12 Jan 2021

Martin won Online Chess Tournament 2020

posted 10 Dec 2020

M=O(V+I^E) Recommendation: The Imitation Game (2014) --- A movie about Alan Turing

posted 30 Oct 2020


Varun Jain



My name is Varun and I am a PhD Candidate in Department of Aerospace Engineering. My phD project focusses on development of conservative and affordable discretization schemes. In my free time I like to read fiction, cook, play table-tennis, hiking or spend my day at the beach (weather permitting 😉 )

Amey Vasulkar

Vice President and Web Master

Hi, my name is Amey (pronounced: aa-mey-ya :P). I am Ph.D. candidate at the Mathematical Physics group at TU Delft. I work on the FAST4NL project where I am responsible to develop a numerical model for the water level variations due to melting of the Arctic ice and calibrate the model using the altimter-data. My advisor and promotor is Dr. Martin Verlaan. I like to cook food, fly my new drone (amateur), play flute or party on the weekends.

Shuaiqiang Liu


My name is Shuaiqiang Liu and I am a PhD candidate under the supervision of Prof. Kees Oosterlee. My current research interests lie in machine learning and computational finance, e.g., developing deep neural networks for risk management. As a player of the football team, the Krylov Tigers, I have been enjoying regular matches in the league of TUD. I also play badminton in the spare time, better than football:-)


Xiujie Shan


My name is Xiujie Shan. I am now a Ph.D. student at the Delft University of Technology. My supervisor is Martin van Gijzen. My major is numerical mathematics and research areas include the medical image denoising, deblurring and etc. In daily life, I like swimming, biking and reading.

Roel Tielen

BaNaNa officer

Hi all! My name is Roel and I organize the so-called BaNaNa talks (link naar website). I am a third year PhD student at the Numerical Analysis department. My research is in the field of Isogeometric Analysis and particle methods (i.e. MPM). This research is preformed together with my promotor Prof. Kees Vuik and supervisor Matthias Moller. Apart from cycling on my racing bike and playing tennis, I am a proud member of our department football team, the Krylov Tigers.